Saturday, May 25, 2013

Recital Videos!

My students did a fantastic job showcasing their stuff at our recital earlier this month! They sang, did Solfeg hand signs and other fun actions, played tone bells, and even played keyboards!

Here are videos of the recital for your viewing pleasure. (Thanks to the wonders of editing, they are only about 9 minutes long.) A special thanks to Lana Shumway for doing the videotaping!

Here are the 1st Year "Blue Bug" students:

And now the 2nd Year "Yellow Arrows" students plus the grand finale with all students:

Why not check out Miss Kendra's "Silver Buttons" Sound Beginnings (2-4-yr-old) students, too! Aren't they cute?

Great job, students! Thanks for a great year! I look forward to next year when you get to learn even more!